Our Mission: The Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation works to strengthen the lives of people who in turn make our community a great place to live.

Our Vision: Communities in which the Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation has a presence are healthy and vibrant and embrace all citizens.

We encourage you to contact the Foundation office at 307-672-1440 or jenny.craft@fib.com to discuss your project prior to preparing your proposal. The Executive Director will be happy to explain proposal submission procedures, identify due dates, send you a proposal form, and answer other questions.
Bradford Brinton Memorial and Museum Illustrator Show

Center for a Vital Community at Sheridan College

Children’s Center

K-Life start up support for youth chapter in Sheridan

Sheridan Senior Center Day Break and Meals on Wheels programs

Boys and Girls Club of Yellowstone County Back-a-Kid

ALL THRIVE Girls for a Change conference

Habitat for Humanity of the Eastern Big Horns

Sheridan Community Land Trust

Tongue River Child’s Place

Tongue River Valley Community Center

Billings Family YMCA

Buffalo Children’s Center

WYO Theater

Sheridan County Historical Society- Museum Youth Program

Alternative Elder Living Incorporated- Greenhouse Project